Limiting vs. Empowering Beliefs: A Discussion of EIF and the Fire Element
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- Jesus Christ
"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."
- Henry Ford
Recently, William Mistele made a Facebook post that caused quite a stir. You can read it here. This post presented the idea that a small group of magicians can establish world peace on their own. If you're a long-time reader of William's writings, you're probably aware that this is far from the first time William has presented this idea. And, if you follow William on social media, you're probably aware that every time William presents this idea it causes a stir. It seems, for whatever reason, that there are always people out there who believe that it is impossible for a small group of magicians to establish world peace on their own.
Those walking the magical path sometimes criticize religious people for blindly believing dogmas, yet controversies like these show that those walking the magical path also cling to beliefs of their own. It is not inherently wrong to have beliefs. Regardless of what path we walk, we all believe things. I certainly have beliefs of my own. For example, I firmly believe that WateMote should be renewed for a second season. I also believe that Yuri could defeat Kallavan if she really wanted to. However, every now and then, it is a good idea to take a step back from one's beliefs and analyze what sort of beliefs they are. Beliefs can be limiting, empowering, or neither. There is nothing wrong with beliefs that are neither limiting nor empowering, and there is certainly nothing wrong with beliefs that are empowering, so there is no need to abandon those sorts of beliefs. As for beliefs that are limiting - these are beliefs that one should work towards abandoning. Of course not everyone is ready to immediately abandon every limiting belief they have. People always have their reasons for holding on to certain beliefs; for example, sometimes holding onto a certain limiting belief can be a way of protecting oneself. However, the abandonment of limiting beliefs is definitely something to work towards, even if success will not come overnight.
When people tell me that they believe William's vision of a small group of magicians establishing world peace is impossible, what concerns me is not that they believe this specific vision of William's is impossible. Rather, what concerns me is that they believe anything at all is impossible. William is a Bardon-trained magician, and for this reason, all four elements, including the fire element, are very pure and strong in his astra-mental body. When the fire element is pure and strong in your astra-mental body, you realize that nothing is impossible. As you read these words, you might think to yourself that the idea that nothing is impossible is just wishful thinking. In response, I suggest that you purify and strengthen the fire element within yourself. Or, at the very least, study the chapter on the fire element in William's book The Four Elements, which can be purchased here.
The fire element is the element of power. You can have religion with power, and you can have mysticism without power, but you cannot have magic without power. When the fire element is mildly strong in you, it is easier for you to abandon limiting beliefs (such as the belief that certain things are impossible) and to hold empowering beliefs. But when the fire element is really strong in you, then its light allows you to fully see the truth of the empowering beliefs you have adopted. It is at this point that empowering beliefs turn into empowering knowledge, and once you truly know something, you'll never forget it. Genuine knowledge is truth itself, and truth is the very nature of your divine Spirit-Soul-Self. But before we get to that point, we have to start somewhere. One good place to start is identifying empowering beliefs and so that we can let them empower us on our journey toward adepthood.
If you've taken my course on Perseus, then you're aware that I am a huge fan of Marie Forleo's book Everything is Figureoutable. The purpose of this book, as you can probably guess, is to help readers fully realize that "Everything is figureoutable" (EIF). According to Forleo, EIF is the most empowering belief a person can hold. I think she makes a good point. EIF is the sort of belief Bardonists hold when the fire element is fairly pure and strong within them. But when you are advanced enough such that the fire element within you is extremely pure and strong, then EIF is not just a belief you hold in your mind; it is a fact that every layer of your being fully knows to be true.
When people tell me that they believe it is impossible for a small group of magicians to figure out how to establish world peace, they are really telling me that they haven't yet developed an EIF mindset, and in this way they tell me that they aren't as empowered as they could be. If this is the case for you, why not empower yourself? Pretty much every Bardonist at this time knows the meaning of the abbreviations IIH, PME, and KTQ. I hope there will come a day when every Bardonist also knows the meaning of EIF. At the end of the day, there are only two types of students of IIH - those who will figure out how to overcome all of the problems that prevent them from successfully working through IIH, and those who won't. If you haven't yet figured out how to overcome the problems preventing you from making steady and efficient progress through IIH, then an EIF mindset may be just what you need.
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