On Becoming Like an Incarnate Salamander, Part I

If you’re familiar with William Mistele’s writings, then you undoubtedly know that he often writes about the subject of incarnate undines – undines who inhabit a human body and live among us in order to experience the human realm. William does not write so much about incarnate salamanders, although I sometimes wish he would. I think information about incarnate salamanders has the potential to be very useful for those working through IIH.

As anyone who has studied the basic teachings of Hermetics knows, fire is the element associated with achieving goals, overcoming obstacles, and making progress. Think of a laser burning through obstacles, or lightning blasting through obstacles, or a pyroclastic flow completely overwhelming obstacles. This imagery reflects the sort of vibe you get from incarnate salamanders. These beings are experts at achieving goals, overcoming obstacles, and making progress regardless of what stands in their way. As an aspiring magician, you should want to achieve your goal of completing the work of IIH. You should want to overcome all obstacles standing between you and adepthood, and you should want make as much progress as you can along the magical path regardless of what stands in your way. In order to do this, you need to be like an incarnate salamander.

For those who want to become like incarnate salamanders, for those who want to burn through every obstacle standing between them and adepthood the way lasers burn through steel or lightning blasts through trees or pyroclastic flows drive through entire villages, here is a set of prayers to say early each morning before starting your day.

Our Lady of the Fire, pray for us! 

Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us!

Saint Catherine of Siena, pray for us! 

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us!

Lord God Almighty, you are the One Light who holds the universe within your palms. Please grant me the sword of spirit which cuts through all obstacles, and please help me find and master the sacred fire which burns at the center of my heart. Amen. 

Lord God Almighty, please give me the wisdom and understanding I need to organize my daily life and take charge of my personal affairs. Amen.

Lord God Almighty, please give me the wisdom and understanding I need to always know what I am doing, why I am doing it, and what I wish to accomplish. Amen.

Lord God Almighty, please give me the wisdom and understanding I need to meet the objectives of the current stage of my life and solve my personal problems. Amen.

Lord God Almighty, please give me the wisdom and understanding I need to use all available resources to solve the problems I face. Amen.

Lord God Almighty, please give me the wisdom and understanding I need to always make the best choices regardless of how I feel. Amen.

Lord God Almighty, please give me the wisdom and understanding I need to live my life in such a way that one day I can look back and see that I have accomplished all that I have sought. Amen.

Lord God Almighty, please give me the wisdom and understanding I need to ensure that the will within me is pure, bright, strong, and fully alive. Amen.

Lord God Almighty, please give me the wisdom and understanding I need to always remain focused, and to always remain calm and centered within myself. Amen.

Lord God Almighty, please give me the wisdom and understanding I need to achieve my goals in the time frames that I desire. Amen.

Lord God Almighty, please give me the wisdom and understanding I need to move forward against all obstacles with courage, daring, and commitment. Amen.

Lord God Almighty, please give me the wisdom and understanding I need to perceive with great clarity and move forward in life with great conviction and faith. Amen.

Lord God Almighty, please give me the wisdom and understanding I need to seize the opportunities I need to seize so that my life and the world are vastly enriched. Amen.

Lord God Almighty, please give me the wisdom and understanding I need to be assertive, productive, and creative. Amen.

Glory be…

The introductory section in which several saints are invoked is optional. In my tradition, it is a common practice to ask for the intercession of the saints. Our Lady of the Fire is a uncommon but traditional title for Mary. The archangel Michael is the archangel associated with the fire element. Catherine of Siena and John the Baptist are Catholic saints associated with fire. Feel free to replace the prayers to these saints with prayers to fire-related saints, devas, or bodhisattvas from your own tradition. As for the Glory Be at the end, it is also common to end sets of prayers in my tradition with this doxology, but this is of course also optional. Feel free to leave it out.

Some of you may recognize that most of the prayers in this set are adapted from various passages in William's writings about the fire element. In Part II, I will analyze this set of prayers in depth and share the passages that inspired these prayers.


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