A Chaplet of Saturn

In his essay "Finding Saturn in Yourself," which can be read here , William describes a four-step process for finding Saturn within oneself. What is remarkable about this description is that it is, at least for me, indistinguishable from a description of the process of working through IIH. Are the process of finding Saturn within oneself and the process of working through IIH the same process? Perhaps it would be rash for me to answer definitively in the affirmative or negative, but one thing we can be sure of is that if the process of finding Saturn within oneself isn't the same as the process of working through IIH, then the process of finding Saturn within oneself is at least a major support for the process of working through IIH. Therefore, a chaplet designed to help people find Saturn within themselves would also greatly help them work through IIH. Anglican prayer beads are divided into four sections of small beads (called "weeks"), and therefore this par...