A Chaplet of Saturn

In his essay "Finding Saturn in Yourself," which can be read here, William describes a four-step process for finding Saturn within oneself. What is remarkable about this description is that it is, at least for me, indistinguishable from a description of the process of working through IIH. Are the process of finding Saturn within oneself and the process of working through IIH the same process? Perhaps it would be rash for me to answer definitively in the affirmative or negative, but one thing we can be sure of is that if the process of finding Saturn within oneself isn't the same as the process of working through IIH, then the process of finding Saturn within oneself is at least a major support for the process of working through IIH. Therefore, a chaplet designed to help people find Saturn within themselves would also greatly help them work through IIH. Anglican prayer beads are divided into four sections of small beads (called "weeks"), and therefore this particular form of prayer beads works especially well with William's four-step process of finding Saturn within oneself. In the rest of this post, I give ideas for prayers you can say when using Anglican prayer beads to pray a chaplet designed to help you find Saturn within yourself.

The Cross

In esoteric Christianity, the symbol of the cross inspires us to crucify our egotism and reminds us that this is necessary in order to resurrect our latent divine nature. This concept of crucifying our egotism is in many ways a rather Saturnian concept. In his book How to Speak Saturn, there is a chapter where William describes the aura of one of the 49 judges of the Sphere of Saturn. During this description, he states that the energy of the aura "destroys attachment to a specific identity, ego, personal history, any sense of 'this is me and this defines who I am' in the sense of a limiting, historical personality shaped by a specific set of circumstances and experiences." In other words, this energy crucifies one's egotism. Given the Saturnian nature of this chaplet, I think it is fitting to begin with a heartfelt prayer to God asking him to help us crucify our egotism. This prayer does not need to be long or elaborate. Even a bare-bones prayer like "Lord God Almighty, please help me crucify my egotism. Amen." is just fine.

The Invitatory Bead 

One prayer that is often said on the invitatory bead by those who use Anglican prayer beads is "O God, come to my assistance; O Lord, make haste to help me." I've discussed this prayer before in this article. If you have no preference for another prayer, then there is no reason not to use this common prayer. It is a good one. 

The First Week

For this week, you repeat a prayer requesting God to help you with the first step for finding Saturn within yourself. One prayer you can use is as follows.

Lord God Almighty, please help me take complete responsibility for my body, soul, mind, and spirit. Amen.

Unless we take responsibility for the various parts of ourselves, we will have no motivation to balance, purify, and strengthen the various parts of ourselves. If this is the case, then we will have no motivation to practice the exercises of IIH, since the exercises of IIH are designed to balance, purify, and strengthen the various parts of ourselves. 

The Second Week

For this week, you repeat a prayer requesting God to help you with the second step for finding Saturn within yourself. One prayer you can use is as follows.

Lord God Almighty, please help me learn what purposes are worth fulfilling on earth, and please help me share acts of love with others and with mankind. Amen.

There is a saying that "God helps those who help themselves." In addition to requesting help from God, you have to make a sincere effort to learn what purposes are worth fulfilling on earth, and to share acts of love with others and with mankind. When it comes to learning what purposes are worth fulfilling on earth, one good starting place is William Mistele's essay on divine missions. When it comes to sharing acts of love with others and with mankind, one good starting place is praying for others, especially those who have harmed you in the past.

The Third Week

For this week, you repeat a prayer requesting God to help you with the third step for finding Saturn within yourself. One prayer you can use is as follows.

Lord God Almighty, please help me acquire a high degree of magical equilibrium, so that I may fulfill divine missions and act with harmony and beauty. Amen. 

The connection between this step and IIH should be obvious. 

The Fourth Week

For this week, you repeat a prayer requesting God to help you with the fourth step for finding Saturn within yourself. One prayer you can use is as follows.

Lord God Almighty, please help me open up new possibilities and opportunities for others, and please help me offer treasures of nature and spirit to humanity. Amen.

I do believe that the ultimate purpose of IIH is to turn students into the kind of people who can open up new possibilities and opportunities for others and offer treasures of nature and spirit to humanity.

The Cruciform Beads

Find a generic prayer to say on each cruciform bead. The Trisagion, the Lord's Prayer, the Pavamana Mantra, and the Druid's Prayer (Grant O God thy protection...) are all possible options.

The Closing Prayer

Those who use Anglican prayer beads sometimes say a closing prayer after finishing the last week. William mentions world peace several times in his essay and believes this to be a good cause for those who have found Saturn within themselves to pursue. Therefore, one option for a closing prayer is a peace-related prayer. William himself has actually written such a prayer. For those who find William's prayer to be too long or not to their liking, another option is the famous Peace Prayer attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi. Of course you can also write your own prayer to use.


  1. I am an economist. The job openings essay by Mistele bears a lot of thought. I've a ways to go...


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