Praying for Those in Need of Mercy

Roughly four centuries ago, the renowned Kabbalist Moses Cordovero wrote and published the book Tomer Devorah, which is a guide to divinizing oneself by cultivating the same virtues that God possesses. In this book, Cordovero states that those seeking to divinize themselves in this manner "should constantly pray for mercy and blessing for the world just as the Supernal Father has mercy on all His creatures." He also states that they "should constantly pray for the alleviation of suffering as if those who suffer were actually his children and as if he had created them."

If you live in the United States, as I do, you are probably aware that there are massive wildfires burning in California and Oregon right now. Many people living in these areas are greatly in need of God's mercy. I encourage you to take some time to pray for them. This can be done very easily. For a few minutes, fix your attention upon God and continuously repeat the following prayer: "Lord, please have mercy on those affected by the wildfires on the West Coast. Amen." Continue to do this for as long as you can. If you're a former Athonite monk and can easily do this for the entire evening, that's great. If you're new to prayer and can do this for just five minutes, that's great too. We all have different levels of endurance, but from God's point of view it doesn't matter that some people have the endurance to pray for the entire evening and other people have the endurance to pray for just five minutes. God does not care about what you have. He only cares about what you do with what you have. Is this not what is taught in the Parable of the Talents? As long as you do what you can with what endurance you have, God will be satisfied.


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