How to Avoid Setting Your Wife on Fire: Some Thoughts on Wisdom

Today while surfing the web, I came across this video of a guy accidentally setting his wife on fire because he was playing around with a lighter while pumping gas. I think we can all agree that playing around with a lighter while pumping gas is an unwise thing to do. 

I have another book coming out through Falcon Books Publishing soon. It's called A Tiara of Pearls, and wisdom is one of the book's major themes. Wisdom has always been of immense interest to me. It's also something that Bardon considered very important. The word "wisdom" appears thirty times in IIH, fifty-five times in PME, and forty-five times in KTQ. Bardon considered wisdom a sign of magical progress and one of the true magician's most valuable assets. For me, however, the effort to acquire wisdom isn't just about becoming a better magician. It's also about not doing stupid things that ruin your life and hurt others. The guy in the previously-linked video was arrested and may face up to a year in prison. His wife suffered third degree burns. 

I've gained in wisdom during my years working through IIH. That doesn't mean I'm a wise person. It just means I'm wiser than I was when I first started. The wisdom I've gained has certainly helped me a lot. Sometimes, I wonder what my life would be like if I'd never decided to work through IIH. This afternoon, I found myself wondering if I'd be the kind of person who plays around with a lighter while pumping gas if I hadn't undergone the struggle for wisdom that is the process of initiation. 

The astral plane can be a strange environment. Wisdom is needed to navigate through it safely. However, wisdom is also needed to navigate through life safely. It's easy for someone like me to judge those who play around with lighters while pumping gas, but what unwise things do I myself do without realizing they are unwise? In life, unnecessary suffering is caused by making unwise choices. As long as I am alive, I can always benefit from more wisdom. The struggle for wisdom does not end when you finish Step 10. 


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