The Two Ways of Reading William Mistele's Writings

There are two ways of reading any text by William Mistele, regardless of whether it is a story, an essay, a chapter in one of his books, or a poem.

The first way is to study the text carefully, dissecting it to obtain a thorough intellectual understanding of the text. This enables you to consciously apply what you have learned from the text via concrete actions and deliberately draw upon the knowledge you've gained from the text when trying to make wise choices in life. With this way, it is best to remember as much as you can about what you've read.

The second way is to experience the text, allowing the wisdom within it to sink into you and permeate the innermost layers of your being where it can effect positive transformation by its mere presence there. With this way, some say it is better to forget what you have read after reading the text because forgetting means it has sunk below the level of your surface mind to the deeper layers of your subconscious mind.

So, which way is better? Well, actually what I said about there being two ways is not quite correct. There are an endless number of ways, but they fall onto a spectrum. The two ways described above represent the opposite extreme ends of this spectrum. You don't have to choose one of these extremes. It is fine to go with a way that falls somewhere in the middle. Depending on what you are trying to achieve and what specific text you are reading, a way that falls closer to one or the other of these extremes may be better.


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