Journey to Compassion: Part 4 (On Determining Your Legacy)

The epigraph of Phillip Carr-Gomm's foreword to John Michael Greer's The Druidry Handbook is really one of the more inspiring pieces of text I have come across during my esoteric studies. The quote constituting that epigraph, which was originally written by Francois Bourillon, is as follows.

When you die, only three things will remain of you, since you will abandon all material things on the threshold of the Otherworld: what you have taught to others, what you have created with your hands, and how much love you have spread. So learn more and more in order to teach wise, long-lasting values. Work more and more to leave to the world things of great beauty. And Love, love, love people around you for the light of Love heals everything.

Bourillon is trying to get people to love more by asking them to think about what legacy they want to leave behind. Your legacy isn't determined by chance. Your legacy is based upon the sort of life you live. If you live a compassionate life, then you will leave behind a legacy of compassion. If you live a vengeful and hateful life, then you will leave behind a vengeful and hateful legacy. It really is as simple as that.

Whenever I see people who are acting in cruel, arrogant, or angry manner, I know they are not thinking about their legacy. No one wants to leave behind a legacy of cruelty, arrogance, or anger. Yet, many people are doing just that.When you die, it'll be too late to change your legacy. And, as I mentioned in my previous post, you could die at any moment because life is unpredictable and freak accidents can always occur. If you want to leave behind a legacy of compassion, the time to start acting compassionately is now. Not tomorrow, not later today after you've caught up with your television shows, but right this moment.


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