How to Go on a Saturn Date

Ever wanted to go on a Saturn date? If so, you're in luck because it's quite easy. Just follow the steps below.

1. Print out all of William Mistele's writings about Saturn. A list of them can be found here.

2. Go to a beautiful and comfortable place you've either never been to before or that you go to very rarely. I find that going to a new place that's not associated with my daily routine helps me clear my head. Take a notebook, a pencil, and the writings about Saturn you printed out with you.

3. Read the writings about Saturn that you printed out.

4. In your notebook, write down any thoughts, insights, or musings that come to mind while you are reading the writings. Also, write down any quotes from the writings that stick out to you.

5. Reflect on the themes and teachings contained in the writings you just read. Then, in your notebook, write down any additional thoughts, insights, or musings that come to mind as you reflect on those themes and teachings. You may find this easier if you ask yourself some of the following questions, which are inspired by the themes and teachings contained in Bill's writings about Saturn that stood out to me the most.

- What are your deepest lessons, and how much time/effort have you spent learning them?
- What are some examples of false attachment, waste, inefficiency, and inertia in your life?
- Are there instances in your life when you were purified and transformed through ordeals?
- What are some of the Shakespearean character flaws that you possess?
- What divine purposes do you wish to fulfill.

When two people go on a conventional date, they do so for the purpose of getting to know each other better. A Saturn date is something you go on alone because the purpose is to get to know yourself better. It is called a "Saturn date" because you are using the wisdom contained in Bill's writings about Saturn to guide you in your effort to get to know yourself better. 

Warning: Please do not chant divine/angelic names associated with Saturn, draw the invoking hexagram of Saturn, or wear a black robe and lead ring during your Saturn date. This is meant to be an introspective activity as opposed to a magical one. Dabbling around with Saturnian energy is an extraordinarily bad idea.


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