84,000 Hermetics Doors

One book I think many spiritual people could benefit from these days is Thich Nhat Hanh's Living Buddha, Living Christ . Thich Nhat Hanh is obviously not a Catholic, but I quote this book several times in a book I am writing on the subject of the Rosary and magical training, since he has some interesting ideas on the Holy Spirit. I remember the first time I read Living Buddha, Living Christ , several passages made a deep impression on me. One of those was the following passage. The Buddha is also described as a door, a teacher who shows us the way in this life. In Buddhism such a special door is deeply appreciated because that door allows us to enter the realm of mindfulness, loving-kindness, peace, and joy. But it is said that there are 84,000 Dharma doors, doors of teaching. If you are lucky enough to find a door, it would not be very Buddhist to say that yours is the only door. In fact, we have to open even more doors for future generations. We should not be afraid of mo...