Points for Bardonists to Keep in Mind

A while ago I tried to type up a really condensed summary of my magical training philosophy for someone who contacted me about IIH. The summary is imperfect, but she apparently found it really helpful, so I'm sharing it here in case others find it helpful as well. (#1) Your goal is adepthood. Only step off the path to adepthood for the purpose of taking adepthood into your hands. If something is not adepthood, do not step off the path to take it, even if it is a good Netflix show or an enormous pile of chocolate. Do not settle for any reward less than adepthood. (#2) If you fall down while walking the path, get up as soon as possible. If you stray from the path, return to the path as soon as possible. Do not wait for the next day. (#3) The path to adepthood consists of the following. Practicing the exercises of IIH Let mindfulness, the second mental exercise of Step 1, be one strand of the golden thread running through your life. Use breat...