Intercessory Prayer and the Definition of Magic

In the previous post, I mentioned that there are many "diamonds" scattered throughout William Mistele's writings. One of these diamonds is his definition of magic – "Magic is a study of how to make the best choices in life." This diamond actually appears in several of his essays; see the screenshots below. Alright, now that I've mentioned this, let's abruptly change topics... As anyone familiar with Christianity knows, intercessory prayer (praying for others) is an enormous component of Christian spiritual practice. In fact, as Christians, we are told not just to pray for our friends and family, or for those who are suffering, but even for those who harm us (Matt. 5:44). Therefore, intercessory prayer is an essential part of my daily practice routine, and something I enjoy writing about. Although I have discussed it in several of my previous writings, there is always more to be said on this extremely important subject, so I thought it would be worth ...